Monday, February 18, 2013

Jab We Met!!


A day I had been excited and worried about since Wednesday i guess, INDIBLOGGER'S HP CONNECTED MUSIC MEET. May not sound like a huge deal for many but for me it sure was a big deal as it was gonna be my first indimeet ever. Worried cause i usually have college on saturday, but when it comes to an indimeet its really crazy to choose college over it, anyways :P. so Saturday sets its pace and so does my indimeet venture. Bandra Station to Otto Infinito was a scorching not so interesting trip cause we were just 3 people eager to reach the venue that had so much in store for us. But the sun is forgotten totally when cold breeze greets you to such a beautiful location and you are welcomed with chilled light mocktails.

Then started the main event not the main event of the evening but definitely the main event for me - the meeting and greeting session. maybe just for 5 or 10 mins but i met around 30 people  and have connected well with them since 2 days now thanks to twitter and facebook. Many would say 10 mins is very less to meet anyone but i guess when you click you just do and once we had met we had the whole evening to interact with each other.


Post the meeting session was the actual main event of the evening the discussion about CONECTED MUSIC a venture of HP hungama and universal music. Boring but not "not productive" and being a music freak anything that relates to music sings to me. Also this very hour made #Connectedmusic A TREND ON TWITTER, so mumbai bloggers do rock big time!!!


 And this hour also was the jackpot hour sunday brunch at otto infinito and hp laptops. man wish the place had wifi or I had net access on my cell, but no use crying over spilt milk..:(. We gotta taste margeretta pizza and chicken well i would call it masala kabab which were the highlight of the food served to us during the event. The pasta and veg stir fry served later unfortunately couldn't rope in our taste buds still relishing the wonder of the previous visitors..:P

And yes the time after the discussion of the agenda was the most memorable one for me as the group of 3 which on reaching the venue had become 6 was now a huge group 13..:D..and we had a lovely photo session tooooo.

 Post this was the prize distribution and the opportunity to sing. YES SING!! Birds of the same feathers flock together - hold true everywhere just this time it was music. People with same musical interests formed a group and sang away to glory anything they wanted. Winners were the 13 13's which was the bollywood crazy club redefining favicol munni and sheila and runner-ups were the dhumchicks tapping to the disco track. And when you win u have prizes which for us were the HP DUAL EARPHONES. Thanx - my group 13 13 13 13 we rocked it!!          
                                     the 13's    
                                     the dhumchicks

And like every good book needs to end on a high note the evening ended with a group pic, indiblogger shirts and some new friends to be with...:)
Expectations lead to disappointment but no expectations can surprise you pleasantly. Being my first meet I went with Zero expectations and came back with a huge smile and excitement for the next meet which i hope is very soon.
Thanx a ton to Fatima, Rafaa, Aditi, Ashwin, Megha, Siddharth, Reshmi, Prutha, Nelton, Akash, Akshay, Stefan, Fizaah for making my day!!! and a special thanx to      nice meeting u guys..:)


  1. You have captured the events in both words and pictures quite lucidly.
    Cheers! :)

    1. thanku so much...n thanx a ton 4 the visit...:))

  2. Hey Vaishaki
    Nycly written post :)
    And I am glad too that I got a chance to connect with you :)


    1. same here...glad we met..:)..n thanx for liking the post..

  3. Great post on the awesome indi meet! :D

  4. Indibloggers meet rocks! Great way to connect indeed!

    1. so true!!! i enjoyed like nethin though people kept sayin the hamilton meet was way better..:)...thanx 4 the visit to my blog..:)

  5. oh am so jealous of u...never been to an indimeet..kuch na kuch panga ho jata hai :/ but after this lovely account of sure i will definitely make it a point to go to one d meets that happens in delhi!
    lovey photos, saw them on fb too..u guys totally rocked it :D

    1. thanku sarah!!! and ya do attend the indimeets in Delhi...i wasnt even a member of indibloggers till november and got super scolded by fatima for not makin an account...:P

  6. Nice Share.

    Very Excited Event with huge Euphoria .

    Travel India

  7. Hey Vaisakhi, The pleasure was all mine. The food and the singing and everything else. Lets hope we keep bumping into each other at the meets. Go Indiblogger!!!!! I am so happy that I found like minded bloggers. BTW, its true 13 13 13 did rock. In fact, you all were singing so well, that I wanted to join in (P.S: I did join in from outside). Take care.

    1. heyya fizaah!!
      i am sure we are gonna meet each other many more time..:))..n guess 13 ropes in everyone..all bollywood thumka fans can join is anytime anyday..:D..
