Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Hogwart's Blessing For Hair

Remember how we all loved Rapunzel and fancied hair like hers when we were kids. Well Guess I haven’t grown up yet cause for me that dream still remains. I have long shinny lustrous hair but with 1 problem they are spiral and wavy and confusing like stairs of some old medieval cathedral. Now imagine when the prince calls “Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair,” and imagine me as Rapunzel letting down my hair. Flynn Rider climbs and climbs the twisted dense locks right left center; oh he is down with a bad headache now but freak where is the damn window, ops he is finally actually 'Tangled'. But courtesy to me, being ready to be a lab rat last time @Me the Lab Rat , I managed to get straight hair for some memorable hours. The straight hair venture made me realize the “straight sleek look” it looks good on me too but going through the whole iron or book dilemma just to look good for a day or two seemed way too much.  But like it’s said when you want something dearly with whole of your heart you are bound to get it sooner or later and Sunsilk Perfect Straight shampoo seemed god sent and when I got my free sample from Indibloggers I was over the moon cause in 2 days time was the college event of the year - the cultural fest!
I could write a whole book about how this miracle shampoo made my day but that would leave you…my readers, bereft of time to try test and rejoice in the super straight spell cast by this bottle wand. So here goes an illustrated weekly version of Solitary Soul completely dedicated to every girl’s new best friend SUNSILK PERFECT STRAIGHT, professor Flitwick’s nope YuKo Ymashita’s wonder spell, because a picture is worth a thousand words…
My Super Un tamable highly unmanageable long lustrous goldi locks which are nowhere coloured close to any shade of gold...: P

My sorrow song prone super wavy hair just before going under the water and the cauldron of the sunsilk perfect straight experiment

The outcome – happy, dancing, straight as candle locks…sorry no more locks...: D was the spell for my hair or my eyes...*bewildered*

Me happy happy with my new hairstyle with no side effects and least amount well hardly any “amount” spent...During the fest!

Why Sunsilk Perfect Straight is better
-          Ironing leaves your hair with split ends to deal with in near future while making your hair dry and frizz prone within hours but Sunsilk perfect straight has no such side effects in fact it leaves your hair smooth as silk with a feel good touch me feeling for days
-          It is affordable by all unlike permanent straightening that is heavy on the pockets and does not provide you with the option of reverting to the ‘old is gold’ policy.
-          The effect is long lasting but not very long. It lasts for 2 to 3 days depending on your hair quality and then you can always embrace your old hair style…this leaves you with options for trying out new looks.

And now thanks to Sunsilk Perfect Straight my poem is finally complete
Trendy trends tread around
And my misery seems unfair
Blessed I am with wavy hair -
Craving to be set straight

Comes riding the knight in shining armour
Not horse but through courier, at my door step
Small built of 2 wrapped in purple muslin
There sits my knight my Sunsilk Perfect Straight.

-Vaisakhi Mishra

This post has been written for Sunsilk straight hair contest and Indiblogger.


  1. Love your hair^_^ beautiful post:)

    1. thanku so much...:)...and thanx 4 the visit..

  2. I like your pic ...the one with pink top... Who is the photographer, V ? :P
    As always your blog post in incomplete without your poems. The poetries adorn your blog post and adds more value to it... :P Goodluck!

    1. thank steph...that photo was clicked by my mom...and ya my post are kinda incomplete even to me without poems...:)

  3. Wow :-) really very interesting post :-) you are looking great :-)
