A trickster, a gambler, a thorough player and a vital whatsoever - MY HEART. I wish I could cut it out and put it in a chest far away like ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean.” And ‘MIND’ a 5 GHz trigger, amplifying everything the heart does. Ok but the point here is not that.
Since two days I was terribly upset about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5……. I lost the count. God knows how many things. Everything I did, like Newton had said, seriously had an equal and opposite reaction. Almost every person I am close to gifted something that was forced into my sorrow vault. (Stupid me, being very close to people is so bad, I know…anyways) Everything I wanted to set right tumbled down and mocked at me for being a failure. There was only one thing I found solace in, in two days, and it had nothing to do with reality. It was imagination, rather an imaginative stuff.
Then I realized is it not always like that? Whenever things go wrong, or we are broken and upset, it’s not the real world that embraces us but something built by imagination that pacifies us, reminds us about our good things and creates a path through which we enter reality and normalcy, shedding the disturbed feelings on the way. It’s always imagination we run to for our rescue. But think it’s our heart that tricks us and makes us feel sad and at the same time it’s our heart that makes us imagine and be happy in the ‘wonderland’ (I don’t believe in ‘mind making us imagine’). Why is it that our heart defeats us in the game it plays but just before we surrender replenishes us to continue the game for long? And why is it that we always love imagination and fantasy compared to reality? Everything we need we want we are happy with has something to do with our imagination, why? Why can’t the real be as good as the reel?
I know these are stupid questions but well it just an attempt to build a bridge between the real world and wonder world. I have put one pillar but don’t know if the bridge will ever be built. Reality just never meets imagination!